1. Coins

To maintain our successful business growth, we supply the highest quality of Bullions, Medals & Coins (circulation, commemorative, Gold & Silver coins and blank coins) abiding the highest international standards to match our customers’ satisfaction.


[accordion title=”Blank coins” visible=”yes”] BlackCoinsWe supply blank coins to all over the world. Blank coins can be steel plated, copper, nickel, copper nickel, brass, stainless steel, silver and gold. Also we provide bicolor blanks.  [/accordion]

[accordion title=”Circulation coins“] CirculationCoinsThe circulation coins are coined from non-ferrous items which are a mixture of metals. The lower denomination coins are frequently made from steel blank coins electroplated with copper or nickel as well as from brass or bronze. On the other hand, the pure Nickel represents usually the essential element for the higher denomination coins and to coins where security or prestige is a consideration. We offer circulation coins and blank coins of different weights, diameters and edges to meet our customer needs and requests.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Commemorative coins“] CommemorativeCoinsOur commemorative coins are mainly struck from gold, silver and bronze and custom made for all occasions.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Medals“] web - medalsThe medals are the most favorite souvenir awarded to somebody for outstanding achievement or bravery or to commemorate something as well as to express thanks and acknowledgment.
We supply medals of different sizes, shapes and materials such as gold, silver, brass, copper etc. depending on our customers’ request.
The final step is achieved by treating the surface by several means such as gilding, coating, silvering etc. and the packing is made according to our customers’ requirements.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Gold & Silver Coins“]


We supply all kind of gold & silver coins, including bullions, with any requested design, shape & dimensions with best quality.[/accordion]


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